
Former and current supervision of students and researchers.

Currently, I supervise or co-supervise several undergraduate and graduate students, as well as postdoc research associates and researchers. In the Formal Methods and Software Engineering Research Group we are constantly looking for students willing to do their final projects in the context of the group’s research interests. Students interested in software analysis, testing, formal methods, theory of computer science, software engineering, and related subjects, please contact me via email or personally. We are rather flexible in defining topics for final projects and theses, and we have several interesting proposals.

The students and postdocs that I currently supervise and had supervised are detailed below.

Current supervision

Assistant Researchers
  • Renzo Degiovanni (on leave, currently a Senior R&T Associate at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Luxembourg)
  • Simón Gutiérrez Brida
  • Facundo Molina (on leave, pursuing a postdoc at IMDEA Software, Madrid, Spain)
  • Germán Regis

PhD Students
  • Marcelo Arroyo
  • Sonia Permigiani
  • Gastón Scilingo
  • Ariel Godio (co-supervised with Marcelo Frias)

Undergraduate Students
  • Agustín Nolasco (co-supervised with Facundo Molina)
  • Claudio Dosantos (co-supervised with Facundo Molina)

Previous supervision

Former Assistant Researchers
  • Pablo Ponzio (currently Adjunct Researcher at CONICET, Argentina)

Former PhD Students
  • Araceli Acosta (currently an Assistant Professor at FAMAF, University of Córdoba, Argentina)
  • Valeria Bengolea (currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Río Cuarto, Argentina)
  • Renzo Degiovanni (currently a Senior R&T Associate at LIST, Luxembourg)
  • Simón Gutiérrez Brida (currently an Assistant Researcher at CONICET, Argentina)
  • Facundo Molina (currently a postdoc a IMDEA Software, Madrid, Spain)
  • Pablo Ponzio (currently an Adjunct Researcher at CONICET and Assistant Professor at the University of Río Cuarto, Argentina)
  • Germán Regis (currently an Assistant Researcher at CONICET and Assistant Professor at the University of Río Cuarto, Argentina)